Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We are Clear!!!!

Ashley Ryan went back to the dr. today and she is free and clear of RSV!!!! Praise the lord. I was so excited. So, we can quit doing the breathing treatments. The dr. also went ahead and did her one year check up. We had to post-pone the first appt., because of the RSV. She got 4 shots!! She got two in the leg and one in each arm. The poor little thing cried and cried and cried some more. I felt so sorry for her! She is fine now. I took her back to daycare to finish out the day. She is staying with my mom tomorrow just encase she runs a fever from the shots. If she runs a fever at the daycare she has to stay out for 2 days! So, since my mom is off work, she can stay over at her house and play and get doses of tylenol all day.

On another note, I am pretty sure that my ear drum has burst. My ear had been stopped up for two days and it finally popped! Then last night I noticed that it was bleeding. Not a pretty sight, but it is what it is. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Thanks for all of the prayers. We appreciate all of them. Lots of love!

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