Monday, February 16, 2009

Shopping with Ashley Ryan

So, Saturday my mom and I decided to go to the mall. We took Ashley Ryan with us...what were we thinking??? We started out at Gymboree. Ashley Ryan desperately needs some new spring/summer clothes. Well, I got her out of the car and loaded her into the stroller and off we went. Gymboree has a little TV area for the kids with chairs for them to sit in. Ashley Ryan saw this and climbed out of the stroller and went to the TV. She was standing in the chairs, banging on the TV and running behind the cash register area. I quickly shopped, checked out and we left!

We ended up going to get a sandwich at Lenny's Sub Shop. My mom strapped Ashley Ryan into the high chair. Once I sat down, I noticed Ashley Ryan trying to wiggle her way out of the high chair. I repeatedly told her to "sit down." Well, that did not work out to well. She ended up on top of the table! Yes, on top of the table! Don't ask me how. There were two grown adults sitting there and my child is on top of the table! There were spectators in the sub shop staring at me with that "look." I wanted to look at them and say "if you think you can do a better job, come on!"

I needed to run into one more store to look at some clothes for myself. I went into the dressing room to try on and I took Ashley Ryan with me. This was more or less to give my mom a break, since she had been chasing her since we got out of the car. Well, she got a little roudy in the dressing room and I sent her out to walk around with my mom. When I came out Ashley Ryan had made her way to the window with the manequins and was in the window display waving at people walking by! She is quite the little star. That ended our trip to the mall and we went home. Ashley Ryan was so tired and slept for about 2 hours once we got home.

We went to the Valentine Banquet at our church Saturday night. It was a no brainer - $10 meal for me and David and free childcare. Why would we go anywhere else and stand in line??? We had a great time. I went to get Ashley Ryan from the nursery when it was over and the two ladies who kept the kids looked exhausted. They basically told me that Ashley Ryan had kept them busy and that "you can't keep her off the ceiling!!!" She is into climbing right now. She tries to climb onto everything. It can make you crazy trying to keep up with her. It will also wear you out.

Needless to say, Ashley Ryan is full of energy and she is not for the faint of heart. I love her though. Even though she is everywhere and has a little bit of an attitude, that I have to admit she got honestly, she is more fun than I know what to do with!! She is at daycare today and hopefully not climbing the walls. It seems like over night she decided that she could climb and if you look away for a minute she could be hanging from the ceiling fan!!!


Carolyn said...

Can I just say that Emilia is EXACTLY the same and bless your heart for saying you love Ashly Ryan despite it because I want to pull my hair out! I tried to take Emilia to Target this weekend...we didn't get through half the store before she had a COMPLETE meltdown because I wouldn't let her out of the stroller. We can't do buggy's for the climbing reason, we can't keep her in them. Anyway, I got a lot of "those" looks too with my screaming child...I wanted to send her with them and then maybe they wouldn't look at me like that. Emilia is at the point where we just can't take her places, I hope, hope, hope that you don't reach that point! good luck with the climbing thing. I wish I could say it gets better, but it doesn' least not yet, for me. :)

Shea Stringer Long said...

ok so I want to laugh and cry at the same time. I see my future in two years. she is adorable. maybe from the easter bunny she gets knee pads and a helmet. ha ha!