Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well we did it! Ashley Ryan had her tubes put in this morning. We left the house at 640 this morning. We made it to the clinic where we waited and waited and waited some more. Finally they called us back at 845. We went to the pre-op room where we waited some more. They gave Ashley Ryan some medicine that made her really woozey. It was kinda funny. She dropped something on the floor and her usual "uh oh" sounded really southern. She went back for her surgery around 915 and they were done in about 15 minutes. She was really fussy when they woke her up. She cried for about 45 minutes. We left the hospital at around 10:15. She fell asleep in the car on the way home and did not wake up until 3:30 this afternoon. She was back to her old self again. That was great to see.

Thank you for your prayers. We could feel them. I am glad the whole thing is over and done with. Lets just hope we are done with the ear infections!!!


Melanie said...

Glad it went well. All 3 of my kids had tubes and it makes such a difference. I remember after they give them the medicine and it making them loopy..really funny.
Talk to you soon.

Shea Stringer Long said...

I'm so glad that everything went well.

Lisa Luckey said...

YAY!! It's over!! She looks cute as ever though! :)