Sunday, February 14, 2010

Long time-no post!!!!

Is there anyone out there who still looks at my blog??? It has been a long time since I have blogged. First of all, my computer died. Technology is nice, but it can be a pain. I thought it was my battery on my computer that needed to be replaced, so we ordered one. It never came in. David finally took my computer to the repair shop. They said it would cost more to fix it than to just buy another one. Soooo, I decided I wanted a netbook. The only thing I do is pay some bills, blog and look at facebook when I am at home. So a netbook is just what I needed.

My sweet mom and dad bought me one for valentines day. I love this thing!! It's pink! It even has a built-in webcam. We were able to talk to David's mom and dad yesterday on the webcam. It was great.

We have been busy since the first of the year. Let's see, Ashley Ryan is 27 months old. We are still not potty trained. But, we are about to really work on it. Tonight I let her wear some panties! She tee-teed in the floor, of course.

We are going to the beach in May! We are really excited to take her down there for her 1st beach trip.

O-my gosh! Can we say SNOW!!! Ashley Ryan has had way more snow in her short life than I have had in my entire life. It has been crazy here in Mississippi.
We are ready for spring. I am ready to be playing outside and cooking on the grill. Fun times! We are having cabin fever. We are ready to get outside.

Here are some pics to enjoy! Lots of love!!

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