Monday, October 19, 2009

Strep Throat

Yes, we had it! Yes, we are over it. This is my sweet girl on Saturday when she was back to her old self!
This is at the hospital once the tylenol kicked in. She saw this box of Kleenex and let's just say she helped herself to the whole box. She thought she was so big pretending to blow her nose. At least she was throwing the tissues in the garbage. She did not feel good so of course, momma let her do it.

This was my baby before we headed to the hospital Thursday night. Her fever got to 103 and would not come down. I was kinda freaked out by that. She was so hot and you could just tell she felt awful. She is much better now, thank the lord!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

poor thing! i am gald she is feeling better!